Monday, February 3, 2014

Burnside Lake

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"Meet the Magician Who Can Fix Your Crappy No Bars Cell Signal."...see the new article about DOTS911 at FastCoLabs by Jennifer Elias.

During the Superbowl, Dateline NBC aired a great episode entitled "Against All Odds," the story of two people stranded at Burnside Lake, CA.  One lived and one died, but if they could have made a cell phone call, it never would have been a tragic news story. The DOTS911 Indiegogo project is a solution to this kind of tragedy.

We went to Burnside Lake with the DOTS911 phone app and Signal Enhancer to measure signal strength data.  Using our tools, we can make cell phone calls at many of the locations where people die or nearly die because they can't get help, showing how effectively our software and hardware can save lives.  See for the example of Seven Troughs, Nevada where six were stranded for two nights in -20 degree weather.  They couldn’t make a cell call, but we could and did.

Burnside Lake was an easy one, though.  CDMA carriers like Sprint and Verizon get such a good signal that you can easily make cell calls and even watch YouTube videos.  Obviously the victims weren't using these major CDMA service providers.

The above photo shows a great signal measured by the DOTS911 app while driving into Burnside Lake.  As you can see in the below photo, other parts of the drive show no signal, so even on a CDMA provider the area is filled with dead zones where travelers should be protecting themselves by bringing a DOTS911 Signal Enhancer and loading the app on their phones.


While the DOTS911 Signal Enhancer and app would likely have enabled the victims at Burnside Lake to easily find a signal and make a call, preventing a death, let us suggest another safety measure: don’t travel with anyone who has the same cellphone system as you. If you have CDMA (Sprint or Verizon), make sure your partner has GSM (T-Mobile or AT&T). To not understand what I just said can be fatal, and in the Dateline episode, “Against All Odds”, it was. Don’t let this happen to you.  Go to Our Indiegogo Campaign and save your own lives and the lives of those you love.

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